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Module 1: Unlocking Your Career Potential

  • 38 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.
Career growth starts with framing yourself. Learn how to optimize your next opportunity as a job seeker.


You possess a perspective, skill set, and experiences that no one else has. You're here because, deep down, you know that it's time to use this power to your advantage, and to get you to a place in your career that you want to be. You're at a critical junction. The transition out of college, and between jobs, is not straight forward. You have a strong work ethic, and you know your value. But taking that next step can feel like a massive obstacle. You've overcome hurdles in the past and we'll help you overcome the next one. This program will help you break through the monotony job searching or day dreaming while making you stand out in the eyes of hiring managers and recruiters. We've invested thousands of dollars and countless hours on career coaching and similar programs. What we found was largely disappointing. Most coaching programs follow the same basic principles, claim that they’re "exclusive" for executives, and charge hundreds of dollars per session. As hiring managers, business leaders, mental health professionals, and domain experts ourselves, we chose a different path, one that works for career growth today. We are not lifelong career consultants; we do not have a background in HR - and will never claim to be. Instead, we've actually done the hiring. We've built the teams, forged our own success paths, and have made a ton of mistakes along the way. We only select the most effective advice from our own experiences and those of the dozens of top hiring managers we’ve interviewed. We've condensed that information down into a three-module program. There is no time requirement or prerequisite, but the program does require dedication, thoughtfulness, and initiative. Let's get you hired.


2 Plans Available, From $195.00
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